Judge Yo Mama Podcast
When was the last time you were the perfect wife, mother and business woman? Yeah, me either. Join your host, Angel Prince-Hunter every Thursday as we navigate the ghetto streets of relationships, parenting and entrepreneurship. Each week I’ll share inspirational content, answer listener questions, laugh at my list of weekly “didn’t do’s” and interview phenomenal guests. This is a community where we are changing the narrative of the superwoman and walking in full authenticity. This is the community you’ve been searching for, meet us here every Thursday!
Judge Yo Mama Podcast
S3 EP2 Foggy Vision
Have you ever asked yourself " What is my purpose for being here?" or " What am I supposed to be doing with my life? If that's you then this is the episode for you!
I want you to share your "Aha" moment.
I want to hear from you 💜.
Email me at adprince91@gmail.com or you can send me a DM on Instagram, @angelprincehunter .
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Have you ever asked yourself? What is my purpose for being here? What am I supposed to be doing with my life? If that's you. I want you to stay tune. You don't want to miss this episode. The great American writer. Sue monkey once said, I think life is a process. You wake up. Then you wake up some more. One self dies. Another is born. It's an evolution of consciousness. If you look at the way God created the world. It's always about a seed. And a sprout and a flower. And then it goes back to seed. It's always about process and unfolding. We're on a journey of greater and greater consciousness becoming more compassionate, more loving, and that is a lifelong spiraling process. I love how Sue monkey. It says that. Life is a process. You wake up, then you wake up again. I'm grateful that life is a process I'm grateful. That I don't have to have it all together right now. Because. I think in every season. I have found myself. Asking God the same question. At some point, like in the year, Or what am I doing? Why am I here? I. Honestly. I second guess. Myself. Who I am, who God has called me to be. More than I could probably count. I second guess myself. A lot. But in the. I found. That the very answer to my question is on the journey. I have found that I find more clarity. On the go. I find more clarity on the go. As I'm moving towards. Whatever it is. I believe. That I'm supposed to doing that season. I'm moving towards that. Right? One thing I used to do is I will allow fear to keep me from doing the one thing. Then I know I could do the one thing that I'm like, I think the guy told me to do this. My instincts are telling me that this will be good. And you don't really know if it's the right thing to do really a lot of the times, unless you go, unless you try it out. Right. And sometimes you fail, but does that mean that there wasn't purpose in it? Clarity. Is found on the go, I know. A lot of the times where we're in, in and out of season, we're thinking, what should I do? Like it, it will be so easy to just get a definite answer. Right. How many of y'all. Had the magic eight ball growing up. I used to want one so bad. Because it was the magic eight ball mama was not buying it. Okay. But any of my friends that had one, I will ask the use theirs. Right. And, I love the idea of being able to ask a question and an answer come up with. I like the answer and I, it was a definitive answer and I think so much in life. We want to take the easy route. We want a definite answer. But I'm here to share with you and also remind myself that. You won't always get a definitive answer. You won't always know the right shore for certain thing. This. Just it But I can tell you. That if you go. And if you try something. Just go with the one thing traveled. One thing, you will gain clarity. In going. So, if that looks like. Applying for a position that maybe you don't qualify for. You will get an answer. You will learn something. And trying to apply for that job. If it's starting. Uh, a side hustle. You'll figure out what's working and what doesn't work. As you do it. As you do your research as you in this thing yourself, and you try certain things. I'm definitely doing that. Now I'm living that now. I didn't know everything that I wanted the podcast to be, but I knew that if I didn't go, if I didn't give my inner soul. A chance to express itself through the podcast. Then now I would never be where I am today. With more clarity. What I want to share in who I want to speak to. I want to speak to women who are afraid of giving themselves the opportunity to live, who take the easier route, the that's right. Women who take the easy route and just doing everything for everybody else. And leaving themselves on the back burner. Yeah. That's the easy route. It's also the hurtful route. It's also the route that. Causes you to be silent. When you should be vocal. Which causes you to, to live in. It all fits in an authentic life. Yeah. Just butchered that word, but we're going to keep it. When you should be living authentically unapologetically. So remember. You find clarity on the go. It's in the journey. Where we gain more and more understanding. Like Sue monk said you wake up and then you wake up again. One self dies. Another is born. Allow all of you to be born. You are a gift to this world. Share it with us. We want to see it. I want to see it. I want to see you blossom. I want to see you grow. I want to see you evolve. I want to see you leave. I want to see you smile. So even when there is some. Fogginess to what you see. Take the one thing. That you want to focus on in this season? And you pursue that one thing. Okay. can you do that for me? And then come on over. To the judge, your mama podcast, Instagram or my personal Instagram. And let's chat about it. Share with me, DM me, email me. Where are you? I want to hear from y'all. Where are you on this journey? Do you feel stuck? Do you know, what's keeping you stuck. What resources do you need to live the life that you believe that you desire that your soul is yearning for? Let me know. I want to hear from you. Okay. Until then. I'll chat with you soon. Also next week. I got some good, good stuff coming. I will be releasing the first spotlight guest episode. You don't want to miss this stay tuned. Follow us on social media so that you know, what's going on. Okay. I love y'all. Until next week. Peace.